Amsterdam, Holland: Deliver Industry talk at IDFA - Children's Docs. Nov 2015.

To hear my presentation, scrub to 45'33'' on the timeline.

Client: IDFA is the largest documentary film festival in the world, taking place in Amsterdam, in November each year, with over 300 titles, 350.000 visits and 3000 professional guests in the last edition. One of the program sections, and a competition for the first time this year, is Kids & Docs comprising of a a selection of documentaries for children (8-12). Since two years IDFA is trying to find ways to stimulate the production of this genre in other countries as well and at the same time, open to discuss aspects about where the genre in developing into, when it comes to platforms, co-productions etc.).

Client’s goal:  To deliver a 20 minute keynote focusing on how to enlighten the audience of the future possibilities within documentary for kids.Documentaries for children are all the rage. More and more people from the industry are getting involved, but what's actually going on in the field and where are we headed? How does the field need to move on, and what does the future look like? For more, see here.

Point of contact: Meike Statema, Head of Education (Youth programs and IDFAcademy)
Paul Tyler