Biarritz, France: Moderating conference on technologies that take storytelling beyond the screen. Jan 2017

Client: Festival De Programmes Audiovisuels. FIPA. Fifth time back to work with SMART FIPA (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016).

Speakers and talks:

(A) HOLOLENS: THE AUGMENTED REALITY EXPERIENCE - David Dedeine, Creative Director and founder at Asobo studio, Bordeaux, France

(B) HAPTOCLONE - HOLOGRAMS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS - Yasutoshi Makino, Lecturer in the University of Tokyo, Japan

(C) BIGGER THAN FICTION - Martin Morales is currently the development officer at Bigger Than Fiction

(D) FAR BEYOND THE SCREEN, THE AUGMENTED MAN? - Woodrow Barfield is Professor Emeritus from the University of Washington

(E) SIGHTCORE - Theo Gevers, Professor in computer vision at the University of Amsterdam and co-founder of Sightcorp

(F) BRAIN / MACHINE INTERFACES - Anatole Lécuyer, senior researcher, and head of Hybrid team, at Inria, Rennes. 

(G) Elisabeth Andre - Professor of Computer Science at Augsburg University, Germany,  Founder of the Lab for Human-Centered Multimedia

(H) ETHICS & TECHNOLOGY - Vincenzo Susca is Associate professor in Sociology of imagery at the University Paul-Valéry, McLuhan Fellow at the University of Toronto, Researcher at Ceaq, Sorbonne, Director of Les Cahiers européens de l’imaginaire, CNRS éditions.

Projects & Participants: Halcyon - (Canada) - Mehrad Noori, VR Noir: A Day Before The Night - (Australia) - Rhiannon Monks, Tantale - (France) - Jérémy Pouilloux, Mental - (Finland) - Hyppe SalmiLa Grande histoire d'un petit trait - (France) - Laurent Durect  & Camille Duvelleroy, The Fight for falluja - (USA) - Ben C. Solomon & Jenna Pirog , #Hacked - (UK) - Nataly Rios, I Spy - (Nouvelle zélande / Canada) - Irena Dol , Flint is a Place (US) - Liza Faktor , Amours Interdites - (France) - Severine Bardon, Zero Impunity (France) - Nicolas Blies and Stéphane Hueber-Blies . 

Client goal: Prep projects that were in competition and moderate two day conference.

Point of contact: Christopher Canalis

Paul Tyler