On the move, whilst standing still (at Malmö train station)

Train _station_at_Malmo_1 from Paul Tyler on Vimeo.

Train _station_at_Malmo_2 from Paul Tyler on Vimeo.

Train _station_at_Malmo_3 from Paul Tyler on Vimeo.

Saw this when travelling back from Malmö to Copenhagen last week. It's so beautiful and reminded me of the story of the guy who put mirrors next to the lifts in his huge New York skyscrapper to give people waiting, something to do. Supposedly it reduced the number of people complaining of having to wait for the lifts and was a fraction of a cost to what a new elevator would have been. As my friends remarked at Malmö, maybe these projections give you the sense of getting somewhere, even when standing still.

Paul Tyler